Columbia Lutheran Home set up a table at a recent church convention where pastors and lay leaders were gathered. We talked to those who stopped by the table about our ministry. We asked them to write prayers on note cards. Our goal was to gather 100 prayers for our residents in honor of Columbia’s 100th birthday.

I keep the stack of those note card prayers on my desk, and use the prayers in visits and worship services. Here are a few examples:

May you find peace and solace every sunrise and sunset. Amen.

May God continue to hold you in his grace and mercy. Amen.

May you know you are surrounded by love. Amen.

Thank you for the gift of elders. help us learn from their experiences, treasure their gifts, and honor their love for You. Amen.

100 prayers is a symbolic number to mark a special anniversary. In truth, countless prayers have been lifted up to God over the past century for the operations, residents, and well-being of Columbia Lutheran Home. And God has answered those prayers! God has provided able caregivers, enough funding, perseverance during hard times, and the joy and love necessary to keep Columbia serving the community.

Please add a prayer of your own today in your devotion time for those who live, work, and visit at Columbia Lutheran Home. God is apparently listening, and will continue to heed our deepest desires for this special place.

Pastor Mary