100 Prayers

  Columbia Lutheran Home set up a table at a recent church convention where pastors and lay leaders were gathered. We talked to those who stopped by the table about our ministry. We asked them to write prayers on note cards. Our goal was to gather 100 prayers for our residents in honor of Columbia's

Best Advice for Homeowners Moving into Assisted Living

Moving into assisted living can be a stressful time. Additionally, for many people, one of the heaviest concerns is what to do with the house left behind. Do you sell? Offer it to family members? Rent it out? Read on as we sort through various options. Source of Income It’s no secret that assisted

The Positive Side of Dementia – Alzheimer’s

The Positive Side of Dementia - Alzheimer's I know this might be sacrilege in some circles to say such a thing - and trust me, as the caregiver for my dad who has Alzheimer's  for many years, I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. However, I'm wondering how often it's acknowledged that there

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